Trends in the New Workforce – Fall Anniversary Celebration


So it seems that in the year nineteen twenty-one the fashion trends for women have hit a new high. The reasons for this are varied but the one constant was the desire of women to be more feminine, more desirable and less dependent on clothes for comfort. This is not to say that they wanted their bodies to resemble super models but they did want them to look and feel like women who could walk the streets in anything they chose. So, for nineteen twenties fashion trends for women began to focus on clothing as opposed to accessories. This included dresses and skirts that were simple and traditional, colored tops and patterns that were unique. One could say that in this period fashion for women began to turn back to what made it popular in the first place: self-empowerment through clothing.

As the twenty-first century wore on and women began to enter the working class so the fashion for women changed. No longer were women the ones wearing the frumpy and boring clothing of yesteryear. The focus became more on clothing for the job and what dress would make us look professional and presentable in a professional atmosphere. Fashion for women in the new workplace was no longer about what would make us look pretty but how we could make a statement in an office full of men and most often with less than flattering hair styles. Many women went to great lengths to look their best in school and work as well as looking fashionable while doing so.

As the new decade wore on and the air grew increasingly populated the fashion trends for women changed yet again. Again the emphasis was not on being trendy as in the past but rather on clothing that was functional and easy to care for. The days of washing pants in the sink and wearing old fashioned clothing were long over as women took on a more active lifestyle and became more demanding of themselves. Women could now go out and shop for clothing and if it was something they wanted they would buy it. Although these fashion trends may seem silly to some it was a turning point in the history of clothing for women.
